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VERBAL TAP (Episode 62) with Joe Wilk

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Raf’s Recollection | Joe Wilk is not afraid to beat the shit out of John Travolta.

Yeah, he went there.  Let’s hear you get that kind of exclusive out of him on another MMA podcast.

Of course, we already know that when you talk to someone with the sharp wit of Joe “The Nose” Wilk, you will easily walk away from the conversation with at least a dozen killer soundbites.

Verbal Tap devotees might recall, Joe stopped by last year to talk about his fight team, his gym, and how he guided Kevin to the promise land of Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

And after taking a year off to recover from injury, we are stoked to hear he will be fighting on March 15th over at Ralston Arena in Kansas (  If you’re in the area, you have no choice, you must go.  Joe Wilk is a fighter who makes sure you get your money’s worth.  From the promos to the walk out to the crazy fight style, Joe makes sure you are entertained from start to finish.

On the podcast, we got the chance to ask Joe what it was like to train with just one hand (also, Joe wants to make sure that I write that he tapped out all of his purple belts with said one hand), reveals his Victory Fighting 42 game plan, and tells us how he would beat up famous celebrities (and Kevin!).

And if you continue listening to the podcast after Joe gets off the line, I think you’ll be entertained by the way we outline Kevin's strategy to beating Joe Wilk in a jiu-jitsu match-up.

But Wait, There’s More

In the spirit of the Oscars, Kev and I decide to hand out a handful of awards to some of the most notable MMA Headlines for your entertainment.  Such awards include: Best Use of TRT, Best KO Everyone Read About (Because No One Saw It), and Best Dicktease (just listen to it, we’re a grown up talk show, I promise).

And, I don’t want to give anything away here, but there may be a special guest appearance from a recently retired UFC Welterweight Champion.

What I’m saying is, “GSP” makes an appearance.  So listen in for that.

And Don’t Forget

Throw places at me to train out here in Los Angeles.  Hit me up at @VerbalTapCast on the Twitter and hashtag #TrainHereRaf.


VERBAL TAP (Episode 60) with Nic Gregoriades


VERBAL TAP (Episode 60) with Nic Gregoriades

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Raf’s Recollection | Nic Gregoriades is a saint.

Of course, he he’d never say that about himself, but when you put up with Open Mat Radio’s Paul Moran (my BJJ podcast nemesis) on a regular basis and somehow find a way of maintaining that kind of zen-like clarity, you deserve all the accolades that come your way.

Such adulation is nothing new to a guy who famously became Roger Gracie’s first black belt in a four year time span, but Nic’s more than just a dude who happens to be pretty slick at jiu-jitsu.  Nic is a ambassador of the sport who travels across the globe helping others become better at the craft—all while finding his own spiritual enlightenment along the way.

Nic just finished writing a new book entitled The Black Belt Blue Print.  A couple months back, I got the opportunity read an advance copy of the book and was truly impressed by the way Nic encapsulates the jiu-jitsu process.  Here is a guy who not only knows how to provide advice to help the physical aspects of your game (offering tips on how to improve your cardio, describing some cool techniques, and even tips on setting realistic goals), but who also provides fantastic insight on how to get the most out of the mental and philosophical aspects of the sport.

Black Belt Blue PrintMore than anyone I’ve encountered in my short time as a BJJ practitioner, I found Nic’s focus on the philosophy of jiu-jitsu to be the most fascinating.  The book does a great job of describing how the practice of jiu-jitsu is more than just sweeps, drilling, and technique, there’s a journey that happens alongside the practice that is worthy of exploration—and Nic is very forthcoming about many aspects of his own personal journey.

On our podcast, we got the chance to ask Nic how the book came into existence, what it was like to train under Roger Gracie, and even get a supremely candid discussion on training partners who sometimes take sparring a little too far (it’s one of my favorite parts of the interview, and I think it’s well worth your time).

When Nic asked me to provide to a blurb review of the book, I felt pretty intimidated.  Plenty of other notable folks in the community (with credentials and talent that far exceed my own) have already said fantastic things about The Black Belt Blue Print.  But what I can tell you is this: The book doesn’t give playbook to become a black belt.  Instead, it gives a map filled with suggested routes and guidance that makes the impossible seem ultimately attainable.

As luck would have it, Nic made his way out to Los Angeles shortly after we recorded this episode.  I actually just got done meeting with him this afternoon (an accomplishment, considering that my BJJ podcast nemesis, Paul Moran, has yet to meet his very own Journey Podcast co-host in person) and was glad to share a few laughs and exchange some BJJ insight.

Me N Nick

And I can affirm, the funny, easy going, and quotable dude you hear on this week’s podcast is every bit of the guy you meet in person.  Hell, Nic even let out a huge laugh when I told him there may be an impression of his trademark accent on an upcoming episode of Open Mat Radio performed by yours truly.

Which is why I want this article to serve as the last living will and testament should he decide to kill me when he drops by to train with us sometime later next week.

I'll definitely be sure to tell you all about that experience sometime next week.  Until then, be sure to check out The Black Belt Blue Print right here.

Over/Under Kevin: UFC 170 Edition


It wouldn't be a major UFC PPV without a game of Over/Under Kevin.  Although this time we decided to bring in a big gun.  That's right, we brought back the man, Bubba McDaniel.  The two of them do battle making their picks over who will win UFC 170 and make a bet that's so odd,

I'm not sure who I actually want to win.

Allow me to apologize now if the audio during Bubba's segment cuts in and out a lot.

This was the biggest audio problem we've encountered on the podcast yet.  But Bubba powered through all of our technical difficulties and gave us a truly entertaining segment.  That's how you know this guy is family on our podcast.

Also, props to Kevin.  He did a fantastic montage of the struggle that was trying to get that segment together.  I'm now far enough removed from the episode that I can laugh at it.

My Girlfriend is Awesome

When my girlfriend handed me a gift box with this ridiculously amazing Datsusara MMA gear bag, she won Valentine's Day.

I had no clue I was getting this (let alone a Valentine's Day gift), but man was this the best gift I could have possibly asked for.


I've been using this bag for a little over a week and it's absolutely amazing.  I can fit two (maybe even three) gi's in there.  I have a compartment for my laptop.  I have plenty of compartments for all my training accessories (several compartments for tape).  AND it even comes with a detachable bag to separate clean and dirty clothes.

This is miles above my last training bag and I hope all of you who like this will go give our friends at Datsusara some love.  It's amazing and they've got some really cool other products that are worth a view.

Where Should I Train?

As many of you know, I am now well into my first days of my indefinite hiatus from The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.  Which now means I have the rare opportunity to go train at new places in my downtime.

Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 12.51.45 AMSince I don't know how long my hiatus is going to last, I am turning to all of you in the greater Los Angeles area to throw as many places I should go train at me.  Simply hit me up at @VerbalTapCast on our Twitter page with your suggested academy, gym or dojo and hashtag #TrainHereRaf.  I'm gonna try to do as many as I possibly can!

Who knows, maybe you can tap me out on a mat near you very soon.

All I got for now, talk to you later, folks.


VERBAL TAP [Episode 59] with Kristian Woodmansee


VERBAL TAP [Episode 59] with Kristian Woodmansee

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K Woodmansee1Raf's Recollection | Kristian Woodmansee is a funny guy.  Aside from being a dude who's doing great things on the mat, he also happens to be killing it on the Twitter.

If you aren't following him already, rectify that mistake immediately and start following him immediately.  We get Kristian to play a game of Rep That Tweet that, frankly, I wish could have gone on longer.

Not only does the Robert Drysdale protege get great millage out of inspirational BJJ quotes and training perspectives, but he also happens to have a great sense of comedic syntax and character.

For example:

We learn a little bit about his jiu-jitsu journey, his BJJ arch-nemesis (and if said nemesis is aware they are such a rival), and we even hear a great story about one of his coolest moments training out in Vegas.

Our time with Kristian just flew by, but we will definitely be checking back in with the guy as he continues to progress in jiu-jitsu and mixed martial arts.  Next time I'm out in Vegas, I will definitely be looking to take one of his classes!



It's been a crazy week in my life.  Absolutely crazy.

As some of you know, I've had the pleasure of working at The Tonight Show for the past five years.  When we recorded this episode, I had just finished up my final week with the show (in fact, I'm only just now getting around to writing a proper recap of this podcast).

In many ways, it's hard to believe that my tenure with the show has come to a close, but I leave with no regrets or hardships.  It's been an exhilarating ride that has given me some of the best experiences of my personal and professional career—and, as a student of the genre, I've considered it an honor to work for the most prestigious franchise in television.

Along the way, I've had the good fortune of working with a set of individuals who were exceptionally creative, diligent, and who taught me so much about production value and efficiency.

Wrap Party

If you're a fan of our podcast (and the format and style we do), you can thank the good people I've worked with in Late Night for inspiring a great deal of the practices we have carried over into our podcast.  It's one of the reasons I take such great pride when guests on our show tell us about the wonderful experience they had on our show (especially when they compliment our production value and note how it sets us a part from any other show).  It's my hope to continue taking all of the lessons I learned during my time at The Tonight Show and continue to put them on display on this podcast.  I hope we do them proud.

And while it's a slightly frightening thought of no longer having a regular work routine to wake up to Monday morning, I welcome the change.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a workaholic, so not having a set routine will definitely mess with me for a while.  But this also means I get a chance to do some fun new ventures and to train a little bit more.

Moreover, I feel the end of the show came at the right time for me professionally; for the first time in a really long time, I don't know what comes next... and I'm actually not afraid.  I welcome whatever new challenges and experiences that lie ahead.

But, for now, thank you to all of those I had the pleasure of working with.  I will absolutely treasure the experience and will truly miss you all.


VERBAL TAP (Episode 58) with James Puopolo


VERBAL TAP (Episode 58) with James Puopolo

James PuopoloRaf’s Recollection | Here's the good news: I didn't scare James Puopolo away back at FIVE Grappling.

Last November, I got the chance to conduct a quick interview with James about his participation in the extremely cool five man round robin the good folks over at FIVE Grappling put together.

Not only was James gracious with his time, but he provided us with some cool insight about his recent decision to quit his former day job as a math teacher and devote himself entirely to competitive (and teaching) jiu-jitsu.

Additionally, James gives us some insight into his training, studying under Rafael Lovato Jr., his travels all around the word, what it's like to compete at ADCC (the smog conditions in Beijing are apparently to die for... literally), and even his competitive goals for 2014.

And for those who feel like they'll never quite reach the heights James has in both competitive and recreational jiu-jitsu, you definitely should listen to the story he tells about wanting to get his blue belt to help put things in perspective.

And if you find yourself in the Oregon area and want to train BJJ, definitely hit up Salem Keizer Brazilian Jiu-JItsu Academy.

John EvansOver/Under Kevin UFC 169: The Results Show

I surprise Kevin with the return of John Evans to find out who won our latest installment of Over/Under Kevin.

On the podcast we discover who lost and (by proxy) will be forced to put up a picture on their Facebook of their best impression of Urijah Faber.

Yes, those were the stakes.  No, I'm not even really sure what that means.  But we're always up for this kind of nonsense, so keep an eye on the Verbal Tap Podcast Facebook Fan Page.

But Wait There's More!

bjj training journal logo-mainOur pal, BJJ Training Journal's Amechi Akpom, returns to check in on my training regimen.

Which is nothing to write home about lately.

Sure, I've been training, I just haven't had the time to write the follow up to the training journal blog I started a couple weeks ago.  It's been a chaotic time at work (you might have heard a thing or two about it in the news).

But, rest assured, as I wrap up my final week at NBC, there's going to be plenty of time to give you a worthy follow up.  I'm quite excited to start working on what promises to be a mildly amusing set of narratives about my struggles in BJJ.

As always, hit us up with any questions, comments, concerns, hints or allegations.  @VerbalTapCast.  Until next time, fight fans.


VERBAL TAP (Episode 57): UFC 169 Preview with John Evans


VERBAL TAP (Episode 57): UFC 169 Preview with John Evans

[buzzsprout episode='146436' player='true'] John Evans

Raf's Recollection | It is always a good time when John Evans stops by the podcast. This week, I surprise my slow witted co-host in our latest installment of Over/Under Kevin with the return of John Evans to help us preview UFC 169.

It seems like it’s been forever and a day since we last had John on the podcast, but we get a chance to catch up on what the very busy jiu-jitsu badass and all-around-good-guy has been up to.

And man, has this guy been busy.

Last week, John hosted the very first BJJ Breakdown Blue Belt, Submission Only invitational.  It was a live event that John organized and streamed that featured some great match-ups among some of the most respected blue belts around our community (and ultimately won by the awesome Kyle Buena).

For those who missed the live stream, John just put up the first match from the event up on his YouTube page.  I’d highly encourage you to check it out and keep an eye out at BJJBreakdown YouTube page for even more awesome fights.

Verbal Tap Covers RFA 12

So, not only do we preview who will win UFC 169 with a game of Over/Under Kevin between Evans and Kevin, but we also talk about the awesome time we had covering Resurrection Fighting Alliance 12 last Friday.

The fights did not disappoint.  Not only did we get to see our friends from Systems Trianing Center pull off a hat trick’s worth of submissions at the event (Dmitry Gerasimov, Terrion Wear, and Pedro Munhoz), but the entire fight card from start to finish provided a set of spectacular finishes, knock outs, and battles inside that cage.  It’s no wonder this organization has sent 8 fighters to the UFC recently; the caliber of the fighters involved is nothing short of spectacular.

My eternal thanks to our pal Octavio Villanueva for his fantastic work helping put this all together.  In addition to being an awesome BJJ practitioner, Octavio also put together this fantastic RFA 12 highlight reel that deserves your attention and your likes.

Starting a Rukus

MikeyWe also speak with Fight Music producer Mikey Rukus about his upcoming music tour.  If you’re not familiar with Mikey just yet, chances are you’re already familiar with his work—as he’s provided the walk out entrances to some of your favorite MMA athletes.

Mikey’s about to embark upon a music tour that will be touring alongside the next series of UFC events across the country, so definitely go check him out if you get the chance!

Thank You, Readers (and BJJ Reddit)

BJJ redditWe also talk about the first entry about my BJJ Training Journal series (Shouldn’t You Be a Blue Belt by Now?) and describe how blown away we were by the community’s support (especially the great folks over at BJJ Reddit).

My mind's still blown that an introspective piece about my own experiences would resonate with so many people, but I'm humbled and encouraged by all of your kind words.  It's moments like this that remind me I am involved in the right support and prove why the jiu-jitsu community is the best in sports.  As such, I will continue to keep you updated on my progress through humorous essays and recaps.  Again, thank you all so much.  I can't wait for you to read the next one.

Also, feel free to throw topics and ideas at me.  I'll be happy to write essays and jokes about prompts that you guys throw at me, so feel free to do so over at @VerbalTapCast.

In Case You Missed It

Check out my interview with Ralek Gracie from RFA 12, where we talk about Metamoris 3, why it’s so hard to make money in jiu-jitsu, and why you should buy the live stream of Metamoris 3.

And, don’t sleep on my post-fight interview with recent Verbal Tap guest, Dmitry Gigapet.

Or is it Gerasimov? I can never remember.

That's all for now folks.  We'll see you back here next week with another thrilling installment of Verbal Tap.



VERBAL TAP (Episode 56) with Cody Bollinger, Marcus Kowal, and Dmitiry Gerasimov

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Cody Bollinger

Raf's Recollection | It's always a good time when our friends drop by to say hello.

This week, we were joined by two Verbal Tap favorites (Cody Bollinger and Marcus Kowal) and a dude who promises to be a welcome addition to the Verbal Tap family (Dmitry Gerasimov).

Cody Bollinger

Just hours after picking up the win in his debut match at the World Series of Fighting 8, Cody stops by the podcast to give us an EXCLUSIVE interview about his win and the crazy couple of weeks he had leading into his fight against Tyson Nam.

What I always like about talking with Cody Bollinger is that he doesn't try to hide anything.  He doesn't give us any spin or PR speaking points, this is a fighter who speaks clearly and honestly about his training regimen, the difficulties he faces, and even what was really going through his head just moments before the judges rendered their decision last Saturday night.

More than anything, we're happy to hear the hard work and perseverance paid off.  To some, Cody may only be known as the guy who missed weight on The Ultimate Fighter.

But around here, he's known as a friend of the podcast who never that set back get him down.  We were stoked to see him pick up the win, especially when you hear the kind of mental endurance the guy had to channel to make it to the fight AND THEN go three grueling rounds with a widely respected opponent like Nam.

Don't Sleep on the Beasts at Systems Training Center

Verbal Tap faithful will know Marcus Kowal as a correspondent for our show.  But there's much more to the guy than just a strange Swedish accent and subversive videos where he interviews himself (he's been called the "Eddie Murphy of MMA" by absolutely no one).

Not only is he the owner of a fantastic gym out in Hawthorne, California (Systems Training Center), but he also happens to be a pretty solid MMA fighter in his own right.  He fights against Zac Chavez at this Friday night's Resurrection Fighting Alliance 12 in Los Angeles.

And he's not the only Systems Training Center fighter to step into the cage, he'll be joined by teammate Dmitry Gerasimov—a Taekwondo black belt with some serious power and rage—who will take on Jordan Isordia on the RFA 12 pre-card.

I mean, just look at the guy.  Everything about Dmitry screams "this. is. SPARTA!!!"

I've had the pleasure (/misfortune) of being friends with these guys for some time and can vouch for their talent and dedication.  The stuff that they're doing over at Systems is truly incredible.

I'd wish them luck in their respective fights, but they each possess a great work ethic that's not the type that really needs the wish of luck.  Rather, I wish them the full opportunity they deserve to display the crazy skills they have in the cage this Friday night.

On the podcast, we talk about their training, their close relationship, and even why the hell these two jokers would even remotely want to do stand up comedy when punching people in the face is so much cooler!!!

I'll be covering the events live this Friday night, so keep it locked down to and our Twitter for updates all night long!

But Wait, There's More

Kev also debuts his new movie reviewing segment called 'Nuff Said.

- I update my ongoing feud with BJJ Podcast Nemesis, Paul Moran, after Paul double booked one of our guests from last week on his "podcast," Open Mat Radio.  And with full journalistic integrity, I provide a thoroughly comparative analysis between our interview with Matt and Paul's interview with him.  You can head to the following link here to listen to Paul's podcast and quickly realize how right I am about the whole ordeal.

- While you're at it, don't forget to contribute to Matt Kirtley's IndieGogo campaign to help fund a kick ass Reverse Omoplata Instructional.

Also, be on the look out for my BJJ Training Journal blog later this week, as I attempt to give you all an honest look at my training, as we embark upon the never-ending journey that is trying to discover why I continue being so terrible at the sport of jiu-jitsu. 

You can find me on the online directory of at Raf Esparza.



VERBAL TAP (Episode 51) with Chris Leben

VERBAL TAP (Episode 51) with Chris Leben

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verbal tapRaf’s Recollection | When I had the chance to interview Chris Leben about a year ago, I was prepared for just about anything.

And I mean, anything.

At the time, I didn’t know where the conversation would organically go or what kinds of topics he would be open to talking about.

As one of the longest tenured employees of the UFC (and one of the last original members of the Ultimate Fighter cast still actively fighting), we’ve been privy to the many ups and downs in Leben’s life. Like any of us, Chris has his demons.  However, unlike most of us, he’s had to battle a great deal of them in the public eye.

We’ve all seen the incredible fights.  We’ve witnessed the confrontations from the first season of The Ultimate Fighter. And we’ve read about the changes in training camps and heard about the struggles in his personal life.  It’s all part of the Chris Leben narrative, and all very well-documented.

verbal tapAnd yet, through it all, Chris has remained a fan favorite all of these years for his ability to walk into an octagon as both a showman and enigmatic fighter.

So when I talked with Chris Leben for the first time last year, I found myself pleasantly surprised by his willingness to talk about his past.  Chris doesn’t hide behind it or cleverly find ways to get around questions revolving around it.  He tells you like it is: good, bad, and all that’s in between.

On our latest podcast, we find that Leben is the same candid speaker who reveals how he could have improved the performance of his last fight and what you can expect in his fight against Uriah Hall at UFC 168.  It’s a refreshing kind of honesty in a sport that can often be filled with excuses disguised as explanations.

verbal tap

But, like any of our interviews, we get to bring out the funny in the fighter.  Chris gets some opportunities with us to joke about Frank Trigg, missed merchandise opportunities, and even former nicknames.

Aside from getting the chance to joke around more this time with Chris, I found the conversation a strong indication of an individual working to make good in their life.

You can hear how happy he is to be part of a new training team.  You can hear the optimism.  You can hear the hunger he has to be a stronger and smarter fighter.

It’s a story we can get behind here at the podcast, as we will definitely be rooting for him come December 28th.

verbal tapBigfoot Silva vs. Hunt

So who thought this was going to be such a great fight?

Be honest.

On the podcast, we discuss our surprise.  And while Kevin tragically works his limited capacity for metaphorical language (he struggles several times during the podcast to come up with different ways of calling these guys “fat”), I think we do a decent job at capturing our relative surprise at how good this fight  actually ended up being.

We’re not really sure what this means for the division (or, frankly, even if we’d want to ruin what we saw by seeing it again in rematch form), but we elaborate some of our favorite observations from the now classic Heavyweight match-up.

verbal tapPaul Walker

Kev and I take a few moments during the podcast to lament the loss of Paul Walker, specifically on behalf of the BJJ community.

It’s been a story that’s bummed out folks for good reason, and the tributes that have poured in for him from fellow BJJ practitioners and enthusiasts alike have been great to read.  We also slightly discuss the need for there to be new ambassadors of the sport who will pick up where he left off.


But Wait, There’s More…

Also on the podcast, we talk to “GSP” about his upcoming press conference that he’s holding on Friday afternoon.  That’s right, Verbal Tap EXCLUSIVE.  GSP reveals what the hell is going on.

Is it a mall opening?  Is he just signing autographs like Dana White said?  Does he have some kind of marketing scheme up his sleeve?

Tune in to find out!

verbal tapOh… and…

Seriously, don’t forget to leave us a review and rating (5 stars!) on our iTunes page. Just look for Verbal Tap Cast

We’ve really been gaining some momentum the past few months and want to start making an even bigger presence on our iTunes page.

So be a pal, click the link HERE, press find in iTunes and then leave us a cool rating and review.  We love the feedback, as it helps us make an even better Verbal Tap podcast for you all.  Thanks much in advance!



VERBAL TAP (Episode 48) goes to UFC 167

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verbaltap on itunesRaf's Recollection | It's hard to believe, but It was exactly one year ago that we posted the very first installment of Verbal Tap on the interwebs.

I'd love to say that Kev and I had some grand scheme we had mapped out about how this whole podcasting thing would all play out.  But the rationale behind the creation of this show was pretty simple: We like talking about fights, we thought it might be fun to record a conversation about it.


When we started this thing, we honestly didn't have a website or t-shirts in mind.  We never thought we'd get the opportunity to interact with some of our favorite athletes—let alone cover events or have them tell us they're fans of our work.

Hell, we weren't even sure people would even want to listen to what we had to say.  But, we've consistently been floored the number of you tune in week in and week out to our show—and who, by extension, have become a part of the Verbal Tap family.

And I'm happy to tell you all that one year later that making the podcast is every bit as fun to me and Kev as it was on day one (you could even say we're more excited to make these episodes now).

That's why we decided to do a throwback episode.  No guests, me doing some shitty impressions, and having a spirited debate about yet another Georges St. Pierre decision win (hint, he appears on the show around the 40 minute mark).

Before we go on to the important things, we just want to thank all of you for tuning in over the past year and for giving us a forum that allows us to combine two of our biggest passions: comedy and MMA.  Without question, our lives have greatly benefited as a result of this podcast.

So thank you to all who have listened in, helped us out, come on as a guest or even just told your friends about our stupid little show.  It's been a blast and we have no intention of slowing down any time soon.

It's your support that allows me to say (without hyperbole) that the best of Verbal Tap has truly yet to come.


Enough of that Crap, I Went to UFC 167

Turns out, we weren't the only people celebrating an anniversary.  While we turned one, the UFC turned 20 this weekend.   And I was lucky enough to see it all.

On the podcast, I present a Top 10 List of the Most Memorable Things from UFC 167 and give you all the exclusive behind the scenes details from the event.

I also describe what it was like to watch the GSP/Hendricks fight live and then talk about the weirdest press conference I have ever seen in person.

Don't Worry, We Haven't Forgotten About "The Ultimate Fighter"

On this jam-packed episode, we still find the time to review the last two episodes of TUF.  I do two "1 Minute Reviews" and then we talk about the finer parts of Cain Velasquez: Harley Davidson Spokesman, Ronda Rousey: Ultimate Slumber Party Host, and Miesha Tate: The Person Ronda Rousey Still Hates No Matter How Many People She Sends to the Finale.

All this and much more on this week's podcast!


1 Comment

VERBAL TAP (Episode 47) goes to the World Jiu-Jitsu Expo

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Raf's Recollection | If there’s one thing you’ve come to know about me, it’s that I am a perfectionist.

I’ll spend hours revising and polishing drafts because I truly loathe turning in a sub-par product.  It’s part of my overall commitment to an audience and readers: these things may not always be pretty, but we always try to give you 110% here at Verbal Tap (that’s right, we go the extra 10%—even if it means stealing another 10% of energy from other podcasts).

Which is why it pains me to inform you that YES there is a slight audio glitch in the podcast around the 50 minute mark.

There’s a distorted vocal effect that makes us sound like we’re transformers (good news is: if you’re tripping on acid, we sound perfect).  For whatever reason, the podcast Gods overheard me and Kevin having a blast while recording the podcast in the same room (for the very first time) and thought it’d be a perfect time to mess with us.

Nonetheless, the glitch only runs for about a minute or two and I’d hate for that to deter any of you from listening to the awesome shout outs we have to close the show (who knows, one of them might even be YOU!).

IMAG1849Because this was a big weekend, folks.  Probably the biggest weekend in the history of the podcast.

Not only was it the first time Kev and I have been in the same room together in over four years, but it was the first time that we got to cover an event as a united Verbal Tap front.  And let me tell you, the World Jiu-Jitsu Expo was an absolutely amazing experience for us.

We make no secret of the fact that Kevin and I are two huge BJJ enthusiasts and nerds, but this… this was another level all together.  We got to connect with so many individuals who share our passion for our favorite sport and even discovered fans we didn’t know existed (when Keenen Cornelius tells you he likes your stuff, you’re doing ok in the jiu-jitsu community).

Not only did we record a slew of interviews with some of your favorite jiu-jitsu fighters and personalities, but we also recorded a series of video shorts that we are going to be working overtime to try and get up for you guys.  As it stands, we have over 5 hours of content that need to be processed and edited—so I hope you’ll all understand if it takes a little while to sort through all of it.

In the podcast, we talk about our experience at the Expo (including run ins with Renzo Gracie, Big John McCarthy, Roberto “Cyborg” Abreu, MacKenzie Dern, and, hold your breath, Kevin’s man crush Carlos Condit.  We’ve got a Top 10 list of our favorite parts of the World Jiu-Jitsu Expo and we do our best to try and describe the overall experience to those who didn’t (or couldn’t) make it on out.

So please keep a watchful eye on the website.  There are gonna be some great videos from the WJJE (and some other really, really fun stuff as well).

Don’t Worry…

Next week on the podcast we will return with not one, but TWO One-Minute reviews of The Ultimate FighterPlus, I’ll be reporting live from UFC 167 in Vegas this weekend.  So be sure to keep all eyes on and @VerbalTapCast on Twitter.

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VERBAL TAP (Episode 46) with Cody Bollinger and Sarah Moras

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Raf's Recollection | One of my favorite things about watching people tweet during The Ultimate Fighter is the amount of vitriol that’s spewed at a fighters’ direction.  Certainly, we are no strangers to having fun at the expense of the cast members, but you won’t often find me or Kevin telling the fighters how much better we are than them.

Or how we, ourselves, would have acted so much better in a given situation.

For the record, these are my favorite kinds of tweets, #Humblebrags at the expense of a fighter’s success or misfortune.

Hindsight is a wonderful gift, and I’m sure only a handful cast members ever really know the pressure that comes with living in a house like that for six weeks.

Which is why when Cody Bollinger agreed to come on the podcast, I thought it might be a good idea to read some of the tweets the internet wrote about him (hope one of them was yours, you might have to listen in!)

If you haven’t seen the episode yet (and are patiently waiting for the “One Minute Review” to catch you up to speed), let’s just say things didn’t go well for Cody on last week’s episode.

In fact, they kind went “Dana Meeting” bad.

To his credit, Cody showed up, listened in on our “One Minute Review,” made some comments about the episode, Coach Miesha Tate, and, yes, even responded to some the interesting tweets written about him.

Right after our interview with Cody, Sarah Moras stops by.  Sarah’s been one of my favorites on the TUF because of her awesome talking head segments.

She has a very honest speaking style that never pulls any punches (even when talking about herself).

Sarah describes her history with some of the other TUF cast members, talks a little bit about her trademark arm bar, details where her fighting travels have taken her, the types of guys she trains with and even speaks a little bit about her interactions with the winner of TUF:18’s Best Cameo award, Tim Gorman.

And, in my favorite part of the podcast, Sarah tells us an extended (and much better version) of how she got into MMA and reveals how the very funny "Peggy Morgan is a 'giraffe'" comment happened.

If you get the chance, go support her and our friends over at  You can pick up one of her fighter t-shirts right here!

Gentleman’s Agreement

One thing that amazes me about the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is the amount of respect displayed between teammates.  It’s one of the reasons I like the sport so much.  I’ve always been the type of person who thrives in team environments and I love that while gyms do a great job at refining an individual’s abilities, it's typically done through a strong team dynamic.

Having said that.  I’m still really confused about the part where you let a teammate win via gentleman’s agreement.

For those not in the know: There is a practice in competitive BJJ where two members of the same team will settle final matches in a jiu-jitsu tournament through a prearranged agreement (where the two fighters do not have to fight).

Yes, you can win a tournament this way.  Yes, it happened at worlds this weekend.

Granted, I recognize what a terrible human being I am.  And, believe me, I’m no authority when it comes to any matter competitive BJJ.  Additionally, I completely understand not wanting to create a rift between teammates—and I even kind of get that it’s the “right thing” to do—but it’s still kinda weird to me.

However, the gentleman’s agreement thing got me and Kev to wonder how a black belt finals match at Worlds between us would look like (I’ll pause for your laughter).  Aside from hilarious and highly improbable, I’d still love to hear what you all think about this BJJ practice.

But Wait, There's More!

We also play another installment of Over/Under Kevin about this week's UFC's Fight for the Troops 3.

Give a listen and let us know what you think of Kevin's picks!


VERBAL TAP (Episode 45) with Josh Hill and Julianna Pena

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VERBAL TAP (Episode 45) with Josh Hill and Julianna Pena


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Raf's Recollection | Take it easy on Kev this week, gang.  It's been a rough couple of days.

When we finished recording the podcast on Sunday, Kev and I had what we considered to be one of our best episodes.  In fact, Kevin was so pleased with the way things were turning out during the editing phase, he actually sent me several texts just to say how awesome the episode was.

Of course, we didn't know this at the time, but that euphoric sentiment would turn out to be the kiss of death.

Just moments after putting the final touches on the podcast (and right as he was uploading it to our site), Kevin happened to notice that his audio went missing.  Something happened during the conversation process that eliminated a significant portion of Kevin's vocal track.

Now, while the thought of having a Kevin-less podcast is something that sounds fantastic in theory, just think about how crazy I would have come off.  Oh sure, my voice would make it seem like I was in the middle of a conversation with someone else, but the large chunks of radio silence from Kevin would have made me sound downright insane.

Just to give you an idea of how the podcast would have sounded without Kevin, please consider the following visual metaphor on the right hand side here.

Anyway, Kev took the day to get his head together and we (somehow) managed to slab together a podcast for your listening pleasure.

In fact, I don't know if it's a testament to his talent or a slight on the production value we normally carry on this dog and pony show, but you can hardly tell there were any major audio problems in this podcast (and if you do, keep it to yourself, please. No one likes a show-off).

Nonetheless, should you feel so inclined, send Kev a nice message (@PhillipsKevin1 on the Twitter) to let him know his efforts are appreciated.  We'll go back to treating him like shit next week.

The Gentleman

While I don't have the kind of extreme beef that Dana White does with "The Gentleman," Josh Hill, I do give him a little bit of grief on the podcast.  It has nothing to do with his (ironically stated) struggle of growing up "really, really ridiculously good looking" or even the fact that he has a truly impressive grappling record of 36-1 (North American Grappling Association).

It has more to do with the fact that he's so damn polite.

It's almost upsetting.

While Dana's spared no expense telling us what a "one trick pony" Josh Hill is throughout the season, I wasn't very surprised when the extremely well-mannered Canadian did the extremely well-mannered Canadian thing of not talking shit about Dana White (the nerve of this guy!).

But that doesn't stop me from trying to prod.  And I'd even like to think we got him to have a couple moments of (dare I say?) "edge" during our interview, where we also ask about his MMA journey, his family's roots in pro wrestling, and his fight against former-opponent-turned pal, Mike Wootten.

We even issue a challenge for the next time he comes on the podcast.  Let's see if he's got the stuff to prove us wrong.

The Vixen

I suppose we could have subtitled this podcast "The Gentleman and The Vixen" (I swear this wasn't by design, I'm only stupidly realizing this now), but we also get the chance to talk with the "Venezuelan Vixen," Julianna Pena.

As one of the first TUF cast members to fight (and therefore share their narrative), we've arguably gotten to know more about Julianna than most of her fellow cast members this season.  We certainly touch on topics like the letters she wrote to her teammates, how it felt to be portrayed as the underdog, and even got to ask if she felt her housemate makeovers paid off.

However, I'll put this out there right here and now:  One of our questions brings out one of the most unexpected stories Kev and I have ever heard on the podcast.  It's a story that not only helps identify what makes Julianna so mentally and physically tough, but also gives you an idea of why she fights.  It's an awesome story and, frankly, I'm happy she was willing to share it with us.

Additionally, if you happen to be in the Spokane, Washington area, be sure to support Julianna's team at Northern Quest Resort and Casino's "Conquest of the Cage," as both her brother-in-law and her training partner Elizabeth Phillips will be fighting in the co-main event.  Tickets for that fight can be found right here.

Machida and MunozOdds and Ends

Among some of the Odds and Ends topics that make it onto the podcast this go round include: Which UFC Fighter would make a great WWE Superstar, how good of a public speaker is Dana White, and why we can't stop talking about Lyoto Machida's scarf.

All this and more on this week's podcast!

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VERBAL TAP (Episode 42) with Tim Kennedy

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Raf's Recollection | Tim Kennedy wants to die fighting a set of bionic sharks underwater.

Yes, you read that correctly.

That’s really all you need to know about the guy to understand the man (the myth, the legend) that is Tim Kennedy.

Few people truly embrace their inner-crazy the way that Tim Kennedy does. He knows he’s crazy and doesn’t care. In fact, he wants you to embrace the crazy. Should you need further proof, please see Exhibit A below:

Or Exhibit B:

Or Exhibit C:

That last one proves he’s crazy (who re-does a scene from Anchorman? What brave soul would dare do that!?). But recently we’ve seen a different side of Tim Kennedy in that of a UFC roaster.


For those not in the know: Kennedy was originally supposed to fight Lyoto Machida at next month’s UFC Fight for the Troops 3. Then Michael Bisping had to go and ruin everything by “injuring his eye” (likely story Cyborg Bisping)—forcing the UFC to give Mark Munoz a new opponent for UFC Fight Night 30. That’s when the UFC said, “hey, why don’t we give Machida to Munoz instead?”

So when the Munoz straight up stole Machida, Tim Kennedy did what any unreasonably crazy guy would do: he took to Twitter and called out practically everyone in his division (and even Alistair Overeem for shits and giggles).

But unlike you, me or the thousands of people who take to Twitter to harass their favorite MMA Fighters, Tim Kennedy can actually back up his threats. And while it’s fairly difficult to take a threat from a Green Beret lightly, Kennedy sent out challenges that were filled with irony and self-deprecation.



And, for a while, the internet was truly being used to its full potential. Finally, the UFC relented and handed Kennedy a fighter worthy of his time: Rafael Natal, a fighter who may or may not understand the hilarious design behind Kennedy’s Twitter attacks.

On the podcast, we get to know the real Tim Kennedy: he figures out how to solve the government shutdown, talks faulty Wikipedia page entries, and even discusses the music he wishes he could walk out to in a fight.

But that’s not all. Turns out, Tim isn’t done attacking prominent figures in the world of Mixed Martial Arts. He continues his roasting of some of the more well-known personalities (no one is safe from this man’s relentless hilarity. No one!). So download the podcast above to listen in for all the fun.

Seth MeyersLive from New York...

Also on the podcast, I give you all the full scoop behind my trip to New York for NBC Late Night Writer’s Workshop and even tell you how great it was to train at Vitor Shaloin’s (let’s just say I have a lot of work to do with my BJJ game, friends).

Give us a listen and let us know what you think, folks!


If you're looking for a new gi (and who isn't?), you definitely want to give a look to our pals over at

As someone who got to see a version of this up close, I absolutely love the look of it and actually got to talk with the guy who made it while training at Shaloin's.

I can't recommend it enough, folks.  Give the website a look and give some love to our friends at VHTS!



VERBAL TAP (Episode 40) with Joe Schilling

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Raf's Recollection |There's nothing worse than missing a UFC card.  If you know me, you know I absolutely hate missing a UFC card.

I have a set of calenders in my house and at work that meticulously map out UFC cards, Fight Nights, and Ultimate Fighter episodes months in advance.  But, every so often, you hit a weekend where you have a set of plans you just can't get out of.  That was the case for Saturday Night's UFC 165. Not just for me, but also for my co-host.

Of course, it had to be on a night when a potential Fight of the Year took place.

But fear not Verbal Tap Cast fans, because Kev and I are committed to giving you the very best coverage, we wouldn't just talk blindly about a set of fights we didn't get the chance to watch.  That's why we brought in a panel of folks to help us ring in our 40th episode AND piece together exactly what took place during the fight between Jon Jones and Alexander Gustafsson this weekend.

We start with our pal, Ben Unanaowo(a sports enthusiast/couch potato who's never short on opinions about sports) giving us a play-by-play account of the UFC 165 main event. But we wouldn't be doing our job if we just left it at that.  Given the controversial nature of the fight—with a public outcry among MMA fans who were angry with the judge's decision and the multiple interpretations from spectators on how the fight went down—we decided to bring in two experts to give this epic battle the attention it deserves.

Enter our experts:  Making the case for the Jones, training partner and podcast favorite Bubba McDaniel drops by tell us why the judges were right to score the fight for the champ, while Swedish MMA Fighter Marcus Kowal (and owner of makes the case for Gustafsson.  Bubba and Marcus walk us through every angle of the fight and even tell us the implications for the Light Heavyweight division.  And our conversation DOES. NOT. DISAPPOINT.

And if you guys are fans of having experts drop by to talk about the fights, we're more than happy to bring it back and (maybe) even hold a full on debate between panelists on the next go-round for controversial fights like this.  Let us know what you think.

BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE: That's not all fight fans!  In addition to our signature World Famous "One Minute Review" of this week's The Ultimate Fighter, we also talk with Kickboxer Joe Schilling who fights this Saturday at GLORY Kickboxing in Ontario, California.  In our EXCLUSIVE interview Joe, he talks about how he got the name "Stitch 'Em Up," his gym in Los Angeles (The Yard), his clothing line (Can't Stop Crazy), and we discuss if he's really a bad guy or not (spoiler alert: he's not).

So do us a solid, check it out and let us know what you think!



VERBAL TAP (Episode 39) with Jimmy Quinlan

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Raf's Recollection | Of all the Ultimate Fighter cast members I've done impressions of, perhaps no one has had a better sense of humor about it than  Jimmy "Crash" Quinlan.

On one particular installment of the show (Episode 14), Kev and I spent approximately 10 minutes worth of time discussing the finer points of a Jimmy Quinlan impression.

Which is why it was somewhat refreshing when I ran into Jimmy at the UFC Fan Expo earlier this year, I didn't get punched in the face (he had more than one opportunity to do so).  When you do impressions of folks with such a strong wrestling background, you almost expect to be on the receiving end of one of their patented overhead slam takedowns.  Fortunately for me, Jimmy's always just laughed off the impression and played along.

It also doesn't hurt that Jimmy identifies himself as a bit of a "smart ass."  So not only does that make him exactly the type of person we like talking to on the podcast, but it also makes him the kind of guy who is impervious to comments like "What is happening?" and "wtf am I watching" when he posts videos like this:

Jimmy Quinlan memeWe at Verbal Tap wish nothing but the best to Jimmy as he takes on Luc Bondole at New England Fights' "NEF X" this Saturday at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee in Lewiston, Maine.  For more information about tickets, hit up this website and be sure to follow Jimmy on the Twitter at @JimmyCrashBJJ.

Also on the podcast, we do our World Famous "One Minute Review" of the second episode of The Ultimate Fighter, we play a game of "Over/Under Kevin" to figure out how to bet on this week's UFC 165, and we also chat about this video:

I must have watched this clip over 20 times in the past few days. Maybe it's because it bares a certain resemblance to a Pro Wrestling Hall of Famer's signature move: Rolles Gracie does the best Ric Flair fall I have ever seen in MMA.  Ever.

If you doubt me, simply watch the video above and compare it to the art that is the Ric Flair flop below.  #YoureWelcome
